
Rolling Heights

Created by Alderac Entertainment Group

A beautiful meeple-rolling city-builder by John D Clair! Make your mark on the city of Rolling Heights.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day one in the books and Cubitos Embassy!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 01:19:26 AM

One day down, 16 to go! 

Thanks for helping make our day 1 a great success! I thought I'd use these daily updates (some of them at least) to preview some of the building tiles from the bonus pack you'll be getting. I asked the developer Josh to make these buildings really unqiue in gameplay or theme (or both). He killed it with this first one - the Cubitos Embassy. 

Push all the luck...

Obviously named after designer John D Clair's hit game Cubitos, the Cubitos Embassy is a triple threat. First off, it grants 11VPs - which is definitely on the heavy side. Next, it provides you with a Public Servant meeple (Green). These meeples motivate your other meeples to greatness allowing you to take flat meeples and put them on-their-side, or to take on-their-side meeples and stand them up (that last one is fantastic when used with a City Planner meeple, but more on that later...). Lastly, the building gives you the ability to freely ignore your first bust! 

It's not an easy building to build as it takes 8 total steel (dark blue), which means it's likely to be built closer to the end of the game - but with all three bonuses, it's definitely worth building! 

Thanks again for supporting Rolling Heights and if you have any time, please let your friends know about the campaign on social media - it really helps a lot! 


Super-fast Funding - Thank you!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 01:17:48 AM

Thanks so much for supporting Rolling Heights! Lots more news to bring you over the next few days and we'll do our best to get to all the questions in chat in an organized fashion as well. The important thing now is that Rolling Heights will be a published game because of you and the other backers, and for that I want to express my deepest grattitude. I know you have lots of choices on campaigns to back and games to buy and it means a lot to all of us here that you trust us to deliver a great game. And we have every intention of doing just that!!

Luke and the AEG Team